Sunday, February 9, 2020

Be Careful Not Fearful sensitization program with Maheswari Club 9.2.2020

#maheswariclub #savetheyouth #Maxvaishali #icancare #icanwin

A Sensitization program "BE CAREFUL NOT FEARFUL" on Cancer and Tobacco Awareness was conducted
Date - 9th February 2020
Venue - MAX hospital Vaishali

Maheswari Club
President - Mr Gobind Mundhra - Chaired the session
Secretary - Mrs Veena Kabra - Conducted the program
Social Chairman - Sudha Daga
The program was coordinated by Mrs Neeta Daga

The Pawan Gupta - introduced the topic put the basic concept of Cancer Cycle and how every one should be involved to win over cancer, and participate in the #SAVEtheyouth #winovertobacco campaign.

The speakers were -
Dr Alok Narang - he spoke about how to prevent and diagnose Colorectal Cancer
                                  Dr Alok NArang is a senior cancer Surgeon at MAX Super specialty hospital
Dr Sharad Joshi - a very interesting talk on air pollution, lung cancer and  what you can do
                                  Dr Sharad is a senior Pulmonologist at MAX super specialty Hospital

The highlight of the program was the introduction of the concept on INNER HEALING by none other than the most accomplished Dr MANISH WADHWA - A Mind Body Soul healer. the participants were mesmerized by his concept.

Mr Rishabh Agrawal - CEO, ICanCaRe presented the Tobacco cessation program launched for the first time in India. He also told about the ICANCARE application in the google play store which can be downloaded for the benefit of all the society.

A very interesting knowledge based quiz, everyone participated with great enthusiasm and won prizes given by Maheswari Society. The Quiz coordinator - Mrs Neeta Daga, Ms Vandana Tomar and Ms Anshu Mangla had a tough time controlling the enthusiastic participants. Well conducted by the Quiz master - Dr Pawan Gupta

Members of Odisha Seva Samiti also came over to participate in the program lead by Mr Minaketan Mishra, secretary. OSS is doing extremely

Mrs Manmeet Kaur a breast cancer winner,with her presence made the program very lively. she interacted with everyone and could tell her first hand experience of journey of becoming a winner, her interest in gardening and how she could charge up her life.

Every one took back some message by the end of the program.

Thanks goes to the Volunteer of the Day - Ms Anshu Mangla, ENT resident at Rohtak Medical College.

The arrangement was done nicely by Mr Rahul from Marketing team of MAX Hospital at the new Oncology tower at the Vaishali branch.

The program ended with a sumptous lunch sponsored by MAX

Thankful to the Maheswari Club and all her members for donating twentyone thousand to carry on the work of helping people control tobacco and win over cancer being done by I CAN WIN FOUNDATION.

Dr Sharad Joshi - receiving the momento

Dr Manmeet Kaur -  Cancer Winner
Dr Pawan Gupta
Dr Alok Narang

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