Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Effectiveness data for smoking cessation interventions

Quitting tobacco

Summary of effectiveness data for smoking cessation interventions (abstinence at least six months) based on all latest Cochrane Review

Intervention (source)Quit rate (%)ComparatorOdds ratio (95% confidence interval)Increased chances of quitting successfully
Self-help interventionsNo intervention1.24(1.07-1.45)24%
Physician adviceBrief advice vs. no advice1.66(1.42-1.94)66%
Intensive advice vs. no advice1.84(1.60-2.13)84%
Intensive vs. minimal1.37(1.20 to 1.56)37%
Nursing interventionUsual care1.28(1.18 to 1.38)28%
Individual behavioural counsellingMinimal behavioural intervention1.39(1.24 to 1.57)39%
Group behaviour therapySelf-help programme1.98(1.60-2.46)98%
Telephone counsellingWithout telephone counselling1.41(1.27-1.57)41%
Less intensive vs. no1.33(1.21-1.47)33%
Quit and Win contests8-20%Baseline community rate
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)Placebo or non-NRT1.58(1.50-1.66)58%
BupropionPlacebo1.94(1.72 to 2.19)94%
VareniclinePlacebo2.33 (1.95 to 2.80)133%
ClonidinePlacebo1.63 (1.22 to 2.18)63%
NortriptylinePlacebo2.34(1.61 to 3.41)134%
Healthcare financing systemsDirected at smokers vs. no4.38 (1.94 to 9.87)338%
Directed at providers vs. no1.33(1.01 to 1.77)33%

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