Friday, January 10, 2020

Tobacco and Oral Cancer Sensitization program at TATA STEELS BSW 10.01.2020

A #savetheyouth #winovertobacco #knowtobacco sensitization program was conducted at TATA STEELS BSW, Sahibabad on 10th January 2020.

Program organised by Dr Kaushal Jha a young and enthusiastic doctor with a vision for futuristic and innovation in preventive health.
It was really pleasure interacting with him and knowing his views.
Met another young and pleasant Dr Samantha.

The attendees showed keen interest in the topic specially the cessation aspect of tobacco and were interested to join the campaign. Want to conduct campaign within the campus and all the units.
The HR was also present and a rough estimate was that around 40 % of the employees use tobacco and it is a big nuisance.

The comic book authored by Dr PAwan Gupta published by ICanCaRe "Be Smart do not start" was distributed to everyone.

Dr Samantha, Dr Kaushal Ku Jha and Dr Pawan Gupta in the campus of TATA STEEL BSW

Plant pot being given to Dr Pawan Gupta as a momento by Dr Kaushal

More activities expected soon at the site

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