Thursday, February 4, 2010

I CAN WIN - POSITIVE ABOUT LIFE Camp and Workshop at ASHADEEP Hospital Moradabad Jan.20.2010

I CAN WIN - POSITIVE ABOUT LIFE Camp and Workshop at ASHADEEP Hospital Moradabad Jan.20.2010 A “win over cancer” cancer Awareness workshop was held on 20th Jan 2010 at Moradabad. The camp was arranged in collaboration with ASHADEEP Hospital, Moradabad. The following specialist attended the camp and explained to the people the method of Self Breast Awareness. Dr. Pawan Gupta Dr. Amit Jain Dr. Ajay Agarwal Dr. Vimita Agarwal Mr Suresh Prakash, Secretary Indian Cancer Winners’ Association talked to the people and local Practitioners about his vision of making Moradabad area as a cancer aware area. The camp was attended by local chapter members Sri Yogendra Agarwal, President Moradabad chapter, Sri Jagdish S Agarwal, Secretary, Sri G.K.Singh, Sri S. Singh, Dr R.K.Sharma, Dr. Vinod Kumar. Around 80 registrations were made of which 10 cases were detected which would require further investigations and treatment. The camp was followed by a discussion with the local general practitioners. Dr Pawan Gupta discussed the early detection of cancer and its treatment. The camp and discussion which started at 11.00 am in the morning was over at 6.00 pm in the evening. We take pleasure in congratulating the Moradabad Chapter for the successful camp. WIN OVER CANCER
CANCER WINNER – Mr Abdul Rauf Shamshed
Mr Abdul 65 year old man was diagnosed with carcinoma of larynx in 1998. He had lost all hopes of living, but did not deter from taking the evidence based treatment. Larynx (VOICE BOX) is an organ present just above the trachea (WIND PIPE), it helps protect the windpipe and also used for creating voice. The disease was quiet advance and as a treatment modality he had to sacrifice his voice box. He also received radiotherapy after the surgery.
12 years after his treatment he is doing well and is using an artificial instrument for his voice. He is a WINNER!
Since then he has helped number of patients to get the correct treatment. His mission to make more winners and change the way cancer is perceived by the society.
Contact: Shindi Sarai, Sambli Gate, Moradabad
Mob: 9992737899

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